
How to Create a Healthy Flossing Habit

February 11, 2023

It is said at every dental appointment: you need to floss every day. It is one of the most important things that you can do for your teeth, with study after study proving that regular flossing will help protect you from tooth decay and gum disease.

But so many of us don’t floss. At all. Or maybe we do floss, but only once in a while and only when we remember. Bacteria has about 24 hours in our mouth before it starts to harden and become plaque, so every single time we do not floss, we are taking a risk on our oral health.

Most of us remember to brush twice a day. But more of us need to develop healthy flossing habits, where we remember to floss every single day, no matter how busy the day has been or what else is on our minds.

Tips to Get Into a Healthy Flossing Habit

Flossing is the best thing you can do for your teeth. But you need to find a way to remember to floss every day. That means not only wanting to floss, but getting into the *habit* of flossing. Wanting to floss is not enough. It has to be part of your daily routine, and you have to make sure that you perform tricks that keep flossing in the forefront of your mind every day.

In order to create a heathy flossing habit, consider the following:

It’s also okay to start slow. You need to develop the habit, so flossing in between only a few teeth at first just to get into a groove before moving on to your entire mouth is reasonable provided you try to add a few teeth every day. What matters is making flossing a normal, everyday activity. Once it’s a habit, you’ll be flossing every day and be taking better care of your teeth and gums.

It takes time to turn a task like flossing into a daily habit. But if you work on it regularly, flossing will become a regular part of your life. Contact Live Oak Dental Group today if you want a clean teeth and gums, in addition to your flossing.



Are you ready to schedule an appointment with our talented family dental team in Porterville, CA? Simply send us a message online or call us at 559-781-0223. We’ll take care of the rest.