
How Long Do Porcelain Veneers Last

September 16, 2021

For the quickest way to get a full, dazzling white smile, porcelain veneers are the way to go. Porcelain veneers are thin, yet durable ceramic shells bonded to the front of teeth. With proper care and maintenance, they can last for many years.

So exactly how long do porcelain veneers last? Well, the answer depends on a few variables. Read below and answer these questions to find out how long your veneers will hold up.

Do you maintain good oral hygiene?

First, make sure you have a regular oral hygiene routine in place. That means brushing twice daily, for at least two minutes each. Make sure to brush with a soft bristle brush to avoid scratching your veneers and irritating your gums.

Flossing daily also plays a huge role in the longevity of your veneers by keeping your gums healthy. Diseased gums can infect veneer-treated teeth, and dental work on those teeth is more difficult with veneers. Your dentist would likely have to remove the veneer and reattach it.

Do you play contact sports?

Blunt force to the teeth can easily knock your veneers out. Definitely wear a mouth guard for any sport with a chance of something or someone hitting your face. Most sports with projectile objects risk trauma to the mouth, so be careful, and know that your veneers are vulnerable. 

Do you habitually bite your nails or chew on ice?

Nervous habits can be difficult to quit, but for porcelain veneers, you should avoid two in particular: nail biting and ice chewing. Both of these will slowly wear your veneers down and could loosen them to the point of falling off.

Do you grind or clench your teeth?

Like nail biting or chewing ice, grinding your teeth will damage your veneers. Many people grind their teeth at night. If you are unsure if you do, ask your dentist to examine your teeth for signs of bruxism (another name for habitually grinding teeth).

A family member can also listen for sounds of teeth grinding as you sleep to help you diagnose. If they do, look for a mouthguard for bruxism. Wearing a mouthguard at night helps mitigate the damage and can help you prevent tooth grinding or clenching. 

Do you use OTC metal dental tools to clean your teeth?

If so, we recommend stopping immediately, especially on any veneers or tooth restorations like dental crowns. Metal instruments can damage veneers, even loosen or dislodge them completely. Leave the dental cleaning to the professionals; we have special tools that can remove plaque and tartar while not damaging veneers.

Are you a smoker?

Tobacco and nicotine harm not only your lungs, but your oral cells as well. Smoking reduces the flow of blood and oxygen, and increases chances of inflammation and gum disease.

Consider cutting back or quitting altogether if you want your veneers to last a long time. What’s more, smoking can deteriorate your gums to the point of losing teeth, so you may have to contend with much worse than a missing veneer.

What to expect

With a healthy oral health routine and proper precautions, porcelain veneers can easily last 10 years or more. Many patients even report having veneers that last 20 years!

Get your Hollywood smile!

Have we piqued your interest in porcelain veneers? Give us a call at 559-781-0223 or send us a message to set up an appointment today!



Are you ready to schedule an appointment with our talented family dental team in Porterville, CA? Simply send us a message online or call us at 559-781-0223. We’ll take care of the rest.