
Vitamins That Affect Oral Health – 7 Essential Nutrients

July 6, 2022

Your body uses all different kinds of nutrients in order to thrive. Your mouth is no different. There are multiple vitamins and minerals that affect every part of your mouth, especially your teeth and gums. As dentists, we may not be able to force you to eat healthy foods, but we can strongly suggest that you consider looking at your diet and making sure that you’re getting enough of these seven vitamins.

#1: Calcium

Your teeth are not technically bones, but they do act like them, and no vitamin is as important to the health of your bones as calcium. Calcium is found in the enamel – the protective layer around teeth that prevent tooth decay. Found in dairy products, salmon, and soybeans, calcium is a critical nutrient for the health of your teeth.

#2: Magnesium

Perhaps equally as important as calcium is magnesium. Magnesium is the vitamin that helps the body absorb calcium. Found in spinach, almonds, and whole wheat, magnesium ensures that the calcium you eat will actually become bone and enamel, instead of turning into waste.

#3: Potassium

Similar to magnesium, potassium affects how calcium is used body the body. Potassium specifically prevents “blood acidity,” which has the effect of removing calcium from teeth and bones to use elsewhere in the body, thus weakening the teeth. Avocados, lentils, broccoli, and bananas are all examples of potassium rich foods.

#4: Vitamin A

Your teeth are not the only part of your mouth. Your gums need vitamins too. Vitamin A is an important part of gum health. It helps create saliva, which is one of the best tools you have for preventing gum disease and dental decay. Vitamin A is most commonly found in orange colored foods, like carrots, cantaloupe, and squash, but can also be found in eggs, dairy products, and some meats.

#5: Vitamin D

Vitamin D itself does not benefit teeth, but a lack of vitamin D can damage them. Vitamin D helps your body manage the mineralization of your teeth and gums. Vitamin D comes from spending some time out in the sun. If that is not possible, you can also get vitamin D in fish and fortified milks.

#6: Vitamin K

Vitamin K plays a unique role in the body. It is linked to two different benefits for the health of your teeth. First, it prevents some of the minerals that damage teeth from causing damage (almost like a protective barrier vitamin). Second, it re-mineralizes teeth and gums. It is found in green leafy vegetables, especially Kale.

#7: B Vitamins

There are many B vitamins, ranging from B1 to B12. Taken together and individually, they have all been linked to some protection from gum disease and dental cavities. All B vitamins can be found in different types of foods, ranging from whole grains to red meat.

Other Vitamins and Dental Health

Much like the rest of the body, nearly all vitamins and minerals can play a role in your oral health if you’re deficient. Your body needs all vitamins to thrive. Some, like phosphorus, are critical for dental health, but the vast majority of diets contain more than enough phosphorus to be sufficient. Still, if you’re having oral health problems, your diet may be to blame. Eating the right foods can help improve your dental health significantly – and potentially the rest of your body as well. Contact Dr. Jubaji of Live Oak Dental Group to learn more # 559-781-0223



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